Newsletter 2016

Version Anglaise, que j'espère lisible Etonné

This year TheChangeBook changes its skin!
As you know, TheChangeBook is 100% ad-free, completely self-managed by volunteer members and does not exploit any personal data. However, like any non-market initiative, it is vulnerable if he is not actively supported by voluntary and not consumerist effort. Without this support, the network is threatened.
Since 2012, TheChangeBook has been resisting. He never became a commercial or electoral tribune and even less in favor of xenophobia.
Good wills who live in it have preserved it's independence and learned from their adventures : they are now better able to work together, in their diversity, be more temperate when necessary, bend without breaking. Thechangebook, now better than ever, may help to :

- participate to make one day converge struggles to cope at best together an opponent that we share,
- Feed experimental practices towards collective management,
- Not to let divert our energy for the benefit of hatred and identity politics,
- To limit our participation to a noxious system, foolish and destructive, WHICH WE DO NOT WANT!
- And also simply to learn to know us each others, share respectfully our views and quality information which we've checked sources, learn from each other, evolve and advance collective thinking.

Facing a turning point in its existence, Thechangebook prepares its transformation at various levels. Following the balance sheet made collectively, one of us has entirely designed, reviewed and integrated a new cleaner interface, more bright and colorful, giving to the network its visual identity. We invite you to discover the result of this work already available through the support of an all-volunteer team and yet doing its best. ( validating the choice TCB Base, Tuto available here, if theme is not active by default when you log in.

In order to make Thechangebook more accessible to the international network, we also began to translate into English the vast majority of texts relating to the network, and as much as possible we take care of technical difficulties related to its non-capitalistic nature.

We're going now to continue with your help the work already done, to extend as soon as possible to the different languages ​​of the members present on the network, to translate all the tutorials and work live together respectful of differences.

If, like us, you want to support TheChangeBook, even if only by your presence, to enable it to achieve its objectives, we are waiting for you. And if you lack inspiration despite your motivation to give it its all chance, here are some ideas in the meantime to become familiar with the tool : _...

Read you soon with a great pleasure.

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